Songs of the Sky, Revisited

Songs of the Sky, Revisited, No.1, 36” x 34”, Pigment Ink on Japanese Kozo with Encaustic Medium

Songs of the Sky, Revisited, No.1, 36” x 34”, Pigment Ink on Japanese Kozo with Encaustic Medium


The skies present an endless and ever-new canvas on which to project ourselves and our emotions. I am interested in the expressive nature of photography: my job, as I see it, is to present a piece of the world, and by conveying how I see it, to tell you something more, something about my internal state of being. But always the drive is to say, ‘stop for a moment, consider this, feel its wonder, its awe’. With full acknowledgment to Alfred Stieglitz and his Equivalents (Songs of the Sky was his original title for that historic work), this series furthers my own inquiry into the possibility of abstracted images being able to convey inarticulable emotions, and attempts to capture the ephemeral nature of beauty.

Like most of my current work, the images in this series are segmented, printed on 3’ long panels of Japanese Kozo paper and infused with molten encaustic medium, editions of 12. Click here to view work in the series.
